Ľudovít Bránsky
1918 1959

Ľudovít B r á n s k y was born in 1918 in Bošáca. After 1939, he studied at the Department of Art of the Slovak technical College in Bratislava. After graduation, he taught as a secondary school teacher at a grammar school in Trenčín, and dedicated time to pedagogical activity with focus on arts. He actively supported development of non-professional arts in Trenčín and surroundings. He also published articles about art and illustrated magazines for children and youth (Zornička a Ohník), where he also contributed as an author of text. Landscape has the most dominant position in his panting program. When depicting it, the artist mainly relied on impression and capturing of the mood. Bránsky died tragically in 1959 in a car crash in Mníchova Lehota. Bibliography: Toman, P. Slovník československých výtvarných umělců. Praha, 1956. Medvecký, G. Výtvarníci z Trenčína. 1963.